How We Guide You to Leave a Legacy That’s About Much More Than Just Your Money

After you are gone, your loved ones will miss you. They will long for your words of wisdom. Hearing your voice again would be a tremendous gift.

Through our unique legacy process, you can give your loved ones the most precious gift - a lasting expression of your love. What could be more valuable?

At Zarda Law, S.C. we believe estate planning is not just about transferring your financial assets and personal belongings. It’s also about capturing and transferring your valuable intangible gifts: who you are and what's important to you – your values, insights, stories and experience.

Let Me Tell You A Story.

Several years ago, my grandma (Nicky) passed away.  Losing her was hard; she was tough, she never sugar coated anything, and I’m pretty sure I drove her crazy a time or two. She taught me many lessons in life; to work hard for the things that I wanted, that life isn’t always going to be fair, and to never give up when things got hard because that would be the easy way out.

My grandma was also a feminist before it was a thing. I learned from her that, just because I’m a female, it shouldn’t limit what I can do. Now I know I can accomplish anything if I truly set my mind to it.

She taught me so much in just the 20 years I got to spend with her. Some of it I have forgotten, and certain things fade over time. Grandma was a private person and when she passed, we weren’t left with a lot of photos to remember her by.   

I wish I had a voicemail she left for me, or a recording of her telling me a story about her youth, sharing her recipe for molasses cookies (that I still cannot find), telling her story about how she met grandpa, sharing an important life lesson she wanted to pass on, and reminding me to “not sweat the small stuff.”

You Could Make A Recording, But Who Has Time?

It has been my experience that few people actually will ever take the time to record a message for their loved ones and put it in a safe place or simply write notes to their children letting them know how they felt about them. I get it. We just get so caught up with the day to day of our lives that focusing on leaving a legacy seems to take a back seat.

That's why we have to build this into our planning process and not make it just another thing you’ll add to your to-do list to get done someday.

That’s why at Zarda Law, S.C. we make it part of our planning for every client to help you capture and pass on more than just your money: your intellectual, spiritual and human assets, who you are and what’s important to you. 

For more information about how we help you pass on your most valuable assets – your values, insights, stories and experience - to your loved ones, or about our resources for leaving your family with a true legacy, please contact us.

What is your “legacy”?

Most people don’t consider what it means to create a legacy. Legacy is generally thought of as certain accomplishments. However, each one of us has our own unique story which is in turn is our legacy. What do you want people to remember you by? When you pass away, your legacy isn’t defined by your financial status but by our stories, wisdom, values, and character.

What would it mean to you to have a personal message from a loved one you have lost over the years? Now imagine leaving that gift for your own family. We work with clients to preserve their legacy by capturing those moments. And if you have no idea where to begin, we can help with that too.